We Know The Way
Here is WE KNOW THE WAY. I have typed up the lyrics for you and recorded the song. Please listen and sing along. Have fun and remember that this song needs to be powerful and loud. Wa-O......Wa-O Ta-Toe Ta-Gata ..Pho- laow Fa-La-Ow-ee-Na A- Lay-Tua Oh- sa-may Tay-lay Ah-oh-my Oo-A-va-alalootah, A- lay Ta-pain-Ah pain-Ah Oh-low...Oh-low Vaka Away, Away we set a course to find A brand new island ev'ry where we roam Away, Away we keep our island in our mind And when it's time to find home We know the way (4th grade) We read the wind and the sky when the sun is high (5th) We sail the length of the sea on the ocean breeze (6th) At night we name every star, we know where we are (Everyone) We Know where we are, who we are (group 1 ) Away, Away (group 2) We are explorers reading ev'ry sign Everyone) We tell the stories of our elders in a never ending (group 2) chain ...